Dr Ali visits Ajou University, South Korea for Internet Security research
A research collaboration meeting was held between Dr Ali and Prof Kim who leads the Internet Security Lab at the School of Information and Communication Technology, Ajou University
UBD School of Digital Science Senior Assistant Professor, Dr Ali Tufail visited Ajou University, School of Information and Communication Technology in August 2022. The school has established research facilities and has about 117 teaching staff and 2700 students.
Dr Ali’s visit primarily focused on establishing research collaboration with the Internet Security Lab, headed by Prof. Ki-Hyung Kim. The main focus of lab is to perform research and development in the fields of blockchain/cyber security, IoTs and wireless networks. The lab has good facilities including graduate and undergraduate students, access to various simulation software and facility to develop prototype if required. Dr Ali plans to establish a collaboration with Prof. Kim for research such as joint proposal and joint research publication submissions and research resource sharing. Avenues for research exchange visits for UBD students and faculty members were also explored.
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